

Pedagogical tools - Flood Warning System

Pedagogical tools - Flood Warning System

With the knowledge gained through virtual field trips, students are now equipped to tackle real-world problems related to geological hazards. To make the theoretical knowledge operational for practical application, a teacher can use a hands-on STEM activity where students will design and construct an automated flood warning system. This activity will not only enhance their understanding of flood mechanisms as a result of rising water levels, but also equip them with the skills to apply their knowledge to real-world problems and the use of technology to solve them. In a flood, early warning can lead to a significant decrease in the loss of lives and diminished delays in the implementation of risk management plans. To provide early warnings of an imminent flood, students can build a device that can be placed at selected locations and which will activate a warning mechanism. Through this integrated approach, students transition from virtual exploration to practical application, can put geomorphological phenomena in a societally relevant context, and apply a meaningful connection between scientific concepts and technological applications. This blend of virtual immersion and hands-on experimentation empowers students to become active participants and helps them understand the geological hazards that impact our planet and to properly and promptly respond to them.

This is a tutorial video on how to make the automated flood warning system with Arduino and sensors:

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