Konstantinos Kalovrketis
Konstantinos Kalovrketis holds a PhD in Computer Science at Univestiry of Piraeus , Postdoc in Measurements systems, MA in Education and MSc in Embedded System. He is PostDoc at University Of Thessaly, Department of Informatics Science in subject ‘Stem for girls’. He has published many research papers in international scientific journals (17 papers), and in international conferences (39 papers), He is author and co-athor in more than 12 academic books. He is a reviewer in many international scientific journals and has participated in many international conferences as a member of the Scientific Committee. He has develops education systems for many companies (http://www.polytech.com, etc). He is member editor on International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology [IJRSSET], Education and Science (http://eduscience-uth.weebly.com/ ISSN 2585-2310), and more others. His research interests include; ICT in education; STEAM education; development hardware/software IoT (Internet of Thinks) for STEM, Pedagogical curriculum development and instruction.