
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)

School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)


ASPETE is a tertiary – Higher Education Institute. Students attend the 5-year cycle of studies and gain a diploma both as engineers and as engineering educators  (see ASPETE offers for many years courses leading to the Pedagogical Certificate for many disciplines as training programs ( The essential character of ASPETE is the integration of engineering with pedagogy through the 5 years of undergraduate studies.



Persons involved


Professor Sarantos Psycharis
A highly experienced and devoted Professor who has made a significant contribution to many educational institutions throughout Europe. Professor Psycharis has published many papers in prestigious journals and has established various European-wide improved academic practices for Undergraduates, Postgraduates, and Fellow Professors alike. Throughout his career, he has also served as an Advisor to the Greek Minister of Education on issues related to the integration of ICT in Education, and Teacher Education Policies. He was also the Coordinator, representing the Greek Government – for the European Network of Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP), and for two years President of the Network and Evaluator for European Commission. He also served as a Rector –and Chancellor of the ASPETE. Currently he is a Full Professor at the Higher Education Institute –School of Pedagogical and Technological Education –ASPETE- in the cognitive area «Education Applications of Computational Sciences”. Studies: Bsc in Physics(National University of Athens) , PhD in Computational Physics(Glasgow University, UK) and Msc in Information Technology(National University of Athens). Prof. Psycharis has been supervisor of PhD and EdD students (in UK and Greece) , external examiner for PhD students, while he has been supervisor for numerous Msc Thesis. He is co-editor of the Hellenic Journal of STEM Education From 2015-2018 he was Scientific director of the Msc program “STEM in Education” a validated Msc program at ASPETE.

Apostolis Xenakis
Apostolis Xenakis holds a PhD from Electrical and Computer Engineering department of University of Thessaly, Greece with specialization in wireless sensor networks. Dr Χenakis is Assistant Professor at the University of Thessaly. Since 2012 he is collaborating with the Technological University of Thessaly and School of Pedagogical and Technological Sciences as an adjunct lecturer. His research interests include ad hoc networking, IoT solutions and sensor networks, pervasive sensing / computing.

Theodora Papageorgiou
Theodora Papageorgiou holds a degree in Greek Language and Literature from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a Master’s Degree entitled: “The Use of Information and Communication Technology for Didactics”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Pedagogy. She has been involved as a Laboratory Teaching Staff in Educational National Programms. She has been teaching in the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE), Department of Education since 2009. She has been teaching the course “Practical Teaching Sessions“ in th School of Pedagogical and Technological Education since 2009. She has, also, been a member of Organizing Committees of Conferences in Didactics and Evaluation. She has published in international journals, books and proceedings of Greek conferences with judges.

Konstantinos Kalovrketis
Konstantinos Kalovrketis holds a PhD in Computer Science at Univestiry of Piraeus , Postdoc in Measurements systems, MA in Education and MSc in Embedded System. He is PostDoc at University Of Thessaly, Department of Informatics Science in subject ‘Stem for girls’. He has published many research papers in international scientific journals (17 papers), and in international conferences (39 papers), He is author and co-athor in more than 12 academic books. He is a reviewer in many international scientific journals and has participated in many international conferences as a member of the Scientific Committee. He has develops education systems for many companies (, etc). He is member editor on International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology [IJRSSET], Education and Science ( ISSN 2585-2310), and more others. His research interests include; ICT in education; STEAM education; development hardware/software IoT (Internet of Thinks) for STEM, Pedagogical curriculum development and instruction.



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